AMW Resumes


Our resumes are designed to sell your skills, knowledge, experience, and capabilities and to represent what you have to offer your next employer. We increase your marketability by creating the right resume to attract the right employer for the right job and right compensation!

Our services include:

  • Full Resume Development
    Includes information gathering interview (up to 2 hours), strategic planning of content and formatting, writing, revisions, and MS Word, PDF, and ASCII/TXT formatted files.
  • Targeted Marketing (Cover) Letters
    A must for any serious job search candidate! This letter is a great sales tool to compliment your resume and included in your resume package. Starting at $55 without resume.
  • Thank you (Follow-up) Letters
    Known as “job cinching letters” — not to be overlooked…do not lose out on a great job opportunity by missing this important “step” after the interview.
  • Continuing Interest Letters
    “Timing is everything…!” Give yourself the advantage of keeping your name fresh to your targeted employer.
  • Reference Page
    The rules have changed…be sure to include today’s appropriate references.
  • Job Search Coaching
    Need help understanding the process of finding a job? Have your self-marketing portfolio together but not sure what to do next? AMW will assist you in exploring your job search options and strategies.
  • Interview Coaching
    Out of practice? Not sure how to answer those “tricky” questions? AMW will coach you for interview readiness.
  • Salary Negotiation Coaching
    Do you know your market worth and how to negotiate for it?
  • Workshops and Speaking Engagements
    Please call or email for more information about our workshops and speaking engagements.

Resumes are as individual as the person. The amount charged for your resume is also just as individual as you are. When you contact us to discuss your individual needs, we will be happy to send you a quote for our services.

We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express

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